          入聯公投 is "一項.Chin.Yuan.自.7.7.人" lies, do not commit suicide 路透社報導,台灣將於3月22日舉行大選,並附帶進行一項入聯公投 2008年03月04日 17:47 星島環球網 h 結婚西裝ttp:// Because politician must always "擇善固執". Narrow minded 租房子 "入聯公投" must have nothing about good to say, only your enemy within can have that evil mind to make you dig your own grave hole t 西服o jump in to kill yourself to die; military must always have all option openly available on the table, do not cut yourself to make suicide.You need to kno 關鍵字廣告w 政黨政治 must always build on the majority respect the best minority to lead; if you professional politicians(You choose to be professional politicians or you choose to work in pub 酒店經紀lic office, you must have the good will, patience, strength, determination, and ability to know Chinese told "10.Nyan.Shoot.Moon. Bi.Nyan.Shoot.Ren" long run policy, there's no convenient way like Chinese s 酒店打工aid "G.Joe.章" to form a good respectable Nation for your people to live that Mainland China is your "Chain.Cher.Zhi.Jane", you must not see the lesson in front of you like nothing to repeat their sad miserable mistakes. 房屋二胎 If you indeed feel hopeless, lack of the heart and man power to do the long term commitment, I suggest you rather fight to die instead of "進行一項入聯公投" to commit suicide to push all you less evil people into deep deeper deepest hells "永.5.Ten.日 買屋". ) cannot even be able to figure out which way to go, how dare you rely on your "5.Her.之眾" voters to control your head? If you don't have the guts or wisdom to take the big hearted way go ahead, you need like real Animals to take neutral freeze wait and 酒店工作see. Taiwanese, you must rather use nuclear to make entire Mainland China becomes "Boot.Mouse.Zhi.Deed", you must not commit suicide "進行一項入聯公投" suck.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 21世紀房屋仲介  .

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